휴대용 기기의 시대에 차량의 콘센트가 방전되는 것은 긴 하루를 보낸 후 주스가 필요하지 않기 때문에 가장 쉽게 식별할 수 있는 문제 중 하나입니다. 현대 사회의 필요를 끝내고 있습니다.
소켓이 끊어지면 차를 정비사에게 데려가 "고칠 수 있는" 유혹을 받을 수 있지만, 수리는 번거로움과 비용 없이 집에서 쉽게 수행할 수 있습니다. 차량을 전문 매장으로 가져가는 것.
그리고 퓨즈 자체가 끊어지는 원인은 간단한 수리일 수 있지만 퓨즈 상자를 파헤치기 전에 목록에서 지워야 할 몇 가지 항목이 있습니다.
1. 자동차가 켜져 있는지 확인 소켓에 접근하기 위해 라이터를 제거해야 하는 구형 차량의 경우 차량의 전원이 켜져 있는지 여부에 관계없이 전원을 공급받을 수 있습니다.
그러나 최신 차량의 경우 전기량이 많고 컴퓨터 설정이 많은 경우 자동차 배터리가 연결되어 있지 않으면 일부 전기 콘센트가 작동하지 않으므로 시가 소켓이 작동하지 않는 경우 자동차가 켜져 있습니다.
완전히 시동을 걸 필요는 없지만 라디오가 재생되고 팬이 돌고 있지만 여전히 소켓에 전원이 공급되지 않으면 계속 진행해야 합니다. 문제 해결 목록을 아래로 내리십시오.
2. 차량의 다른 전기 콘센트 확인 언급한 바와 같이, 대부분의 현대식 차량에는 차량의 다양한 지점에 많은 전기 콘센트가 있습니다.
운전석 대시보드의 주 담배 라이터 소켓 외에도 조수석 대시보드, 센터 콘솔 및 후면 콘솔에 추가 콘센트가 있을 수 있습니다. 차량의 크기입니다.
메인 소켓이 작동하지 않으면 코드를 다른 포트에 연결하고 전원이 들어오는지 확인하십시오. 그렇다면 확실히 죽은 소켓을 다루고 있는 것입니다. 다른 소켓을 확인할 때 여전히 전원이 들어오지 않으면 모든 콘센트에서 동시에 끊어진 퓨즈를 처리할 가능성이 거의 없으므로 조금 더 조사해야 합니다.
3. 다른 충전 코드를 사용해 보십시오 차량이 켜져 있지만 전기 콘센트에 전원이 공급되지 않는다면 충전 코드 불량일 가능성이 큽니다.
주차용 충전 코드를 다른 것으로 전환하고 전원이 공급되는지 확인하십시오. 그렇다면 문제가 해결되었습니다. 그렇지 않거나 새 코드가 처음에 문제가 발생한 주 소켓을 제외한 모든 포트에서 작동한다면 교체해야 하는 끊어진 퓨즈를 보고 있을 가능성이 큽니다.
단선된 자동차 담배 라이터 소켓 퓨즈를 수리하는 방법
<소스 srcset="https:// drivinglife.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/socket-outlet-fuses.webp 960w,https:// drivinglife.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ socket-outlet-fuses-300x168.webp 300w,https:// drivinglife.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/socket-outlet-fuses-150x84.webp 150w,https:// drivinglife.net/wp- content/uploads/2020/05/socket-outlet-fuses-768x432.webp 768w" sizes="(최대 너비:739px) 100vw, 739px" type="image/webp"> 서론에서 언급했듯이, 데드 라이터 소켓의 약 90%는 전기 퓨즈가 끊어졌기 때문입니다. 퓨즈를 직접 교체하는 것이 저렴하고 쉽지만 다른 퓨즈가 손상되거나 차량에 더 광범위한 전기적 손상이 발생하지 않도록 접근 방식에 매우 세심해야 합니다.
퓨즈 박스 찾기 차량의 제조사, 모델 및 연식에 따라 퓨즈 박스는 후드 아래, 운전석 캐빈, 또는 차량 내부의 세 위치 중 하나에 있을 수 있습니다. 트렁크. 일부 차량에는 퓨즈 박스가 하나만 있을 수 있고 다른 차량에는 2개 또는 3개가 있을 수 있습니다. 다음은 각각에 대해 기대할 수 있는 몇 가지 일반적인 특성입니다.
내부 - 이 퓨즈 박스는 검정색과 플라스틱으로 대략 12 x 9인치입니다. 운전석이나 조수석의 가장 가장자리에서 찾을 수 있으며 일반적으로 후드 전면보다 앞유리에 더 가깝습니다. 덮개는 퓨즈에 접근하기 위해 분리해야 하는 여러 플라스틱 클립으로 고정됩니다.
객실에서 - 캐빈의 퓨즈 박스는 운전석에 있으며 종종 후드와 트렁크 릴리스 근처에 있지만 일반적으로 대시 아래 더 안쪽에 있습니다. 이 상자에는 일반적으로 손가락을 걸고 당겨서 열 수 있는 걸쇠가 있습니다.
트렁크 안 - 이 퓨즈 박스는 트렁크의 운전석 또는 조수석 측벽에 위치합니다. 트렁크 벽에 위장된 작은 문처럼 보이며 손가락을 삽입하여 이 문을 열고 퓨즈에 액세스할 수 있는 작은 걸쇠를 볼 수 있습니다.
대부분의 퓨즈 박스는 이 세 위치 중 하나 또는 둘 이상의 위치에 있지만 일부 차량은 다르게 설계될 수 있으므로 사용자 설명서를 참조하여 다음을 확인하는 것이 중요합니다. 귀하의 차량에 있는 퓨즈 박스의 위치와 수를 확인하십시오.
각 퓨즈 상자를 찾은 후 뚜껑을 열고 여분의 퓨즈가 있는지 확인해야 합니다. 이것은 구형 자동차에는 없을 수도 있지만 대부분의 최신 차량에는 예비 퓨즈가 함께 제공됩니다.
담배 라이터 소켓의 퓨즈가 후드 아래에 있더라도 예비 퓨즈가 차량 트렁크의 베이에 보관될 수 있으므로 차량의 모든 퓨즈 상자에 예비 퓨즈가 있는지 확인하는 것이 중요합니다.
필요한 자료 얻기
이제 차량의 모든 퓨즈 박스를 찾았고 예비 퓨즈가 있는지 확인했으므로 교체를 시작하기 전에 몇 가지 항목을 수집해야 합니다.
니들 노즈 플라이어 - 차량의 퓨즈가 매우 가늘고 섬세하므로 찾을 수 있는 가장 작고 가장 좋은 쌍을 찾으십시오.
손전등 - 이것은 필요하거나 필요하지 않을 수 있지만, 특히 전면 대시보드 아래에 말려 있는 캐빈에 퓨즈 박스가 있는 경우 편리하게 유지하는 것이 좋습니다. 또한 차량의 많은 퓨즈는 색상으로 구분되어 있으므로 퓨즈가 흐려져 구별할 수 없게 되는 경우를 대비하여 선명한 광원이 필요합니다.
멀티미터 (선택 사항) - 퓨즈 문제는 멀티미터 없이 확실히 조정할 수 있지만 멀티미터가 있으면 더 쉽습니다. 멀티미터는 주어진 지점에서 전류와 전압을 측정하므로 퓨즈에 멀티미터를 부착하면 전류가 흐르는지 쉽게 알 수 있습니다. 이 기기는 $10에 구입할 수 있습니다.
교체 퓨즈 (필요한 경우) - 모든 퓨즈 박스를 체크인했고 예비 퓨즈 베이가 없으면 교체 퓨즈를 구입해야 합니다. 자동차 부품점에서 쉽게 구할 수 있지만 적절한 제품을 얻을 수 있도록 차량의 제조사, 모델 및 연도를 직원에게 알려야 합니다.
연소된 퓨즈 당기기 휴즈 상자의 뚜껑이나 문에는 담배 라이터 퓨즈를 찾는 데 도움이 되는 지도와 범례가 있습니다. 차량에는 다양한 전기 기능을 제어하는 다양한 퓨즈가 있으므로 이 과정에서 퓨즈를 잘못 선택하지 않도록 각별히 주의하십시오.
시가 라이터 퓨즈에 "CIG"라는 레이블이 붙는 경우가 많지만 다양한 차량 모델에 예외가 많으므로 범례를 상호 참조해야 합니다. If you have an older vehicle that has seen the fuse map and legend fade or become unclear in any way, there should be a replica version that you can find in your user’s manual.
After you have pinpointed the cigarette lighter fuse, you will want to connect your multimeter to it, if available. If the fuse is functional, you will hear a “beep” indicating power. However, as it is likely burnt, nothing is likely to happen once the multimeter is attached.
If a dead fuse is confirmed, you need to pull it from the fuse bank. Most modern vehicles will have a fuse pulling tool located in the fuse box. This is a small, plastic tool that looks like a pair of tweezers. Take this tool and pinch it on the tip of your finger a couple of times to get a feel for how it works. It should conveniently grip the lip of your fuse, making for easy removal.
If you have an older vehicle or any other model that does not come with this special fuse removing tool, this is where the needle nose pliers come in. They can serve the same function as the specialized plastic tool, but you must be very careful to grip only the lips of the fuse and avoid squeezing too hard, causing your pliers to slip and crush the fuse’s body.
Inspect the Pulled Fuse
Your cigarette lighter fuse will look like a bigger version of your cell phone’s sim card tray when pulled open, with a wide head in front of a thin, delicate body.
If you had a multimeter at your disposal, you are probably already aware that the fuse is blown. However, if you are without a multimeter, or simply want to confirm your multimeter’s reading, a blown lighter socket fuse will be easily identifiable by looking at the body of the fuse, with a couple of symptoms likely present:
Broken or cracked wire - the body of a functional fuse will have a thin, plastic, see-through casing that protects a small electrical wire. This wire should be in a small, continuous hump, like the normal curve used in statistics. If this hump is cracked or broken, the fuse is no good
Burn marks - if the wire is charred or the plastic casing is charred with black tar, then the fuse has burned out and is no longer functional
Insert Replacement Fuse The various fuses in the fuse box will be colored differently and assigned a number based on the amount of current they can handle.
For example, either on the head of the fuse or on the legend on the fuse box lid and owner’s manual, the cigarette lighter fuse will be given a value of “20” or “20A” (note:not all lighter fuses have this value, but it is a common value for lighter fuses in many vehicles).
This means that this particular fuse is capable of handling 20 amps of current. Any other fuses with this capacity will be colored and labeled accordingly.
As such, when selecting a replacement fuse from the spare bay, you must be sure that it matches in value and color to the fuse you just pulled. If you got your replacement fuse from an auto parts store, you should already have the right fuse, but you will want to double-check to be sure.
When getting the replacement from the spare bay, you will need to use the same fuse pulling tool or needle-nose pliers you used to remove the burnt fuse from the main fuse bank.
Put the old fuse and the replacement fuse side by side and compare. The difference should be noticeable, as the replacement should have a nice, clear body that displays a solid, bell curve-shaped electrical wire that forms a visible contrast to the old fuse.
You will not need the fuse pulling tool or needle-nose pliers to set the replacement fuse. However, you should be very careful when inserting it to the fuse bank, ensuring proper alignment and no forceful actions that may cause the replacement fuse to crack or break.
Check the Replacement Fuse Now that the new fuse has been properly inserted, your dead cigarette lighter socket should come back to life. Use your multimeter to check the new fuse, if available. You should now get “deep” signaling flowing current.
Go back into the cabin of your car and test the electric outlet. If there is power flowing to your lighter or device, you are all set. Make sure that all fuse boxes are closed, and all tools used for the repair are picked up and properly stowed, especially the fuse replacement tool if utilized.
What if the Lighter Socket Still Is Not Working?
While the vast majority of dead lighter sockets are remedied by replacing a blown fuse, there are a few rare instances in which a new fuse does not solve the problem.
Replacement Fuse Blows Immediately There are cases, especially if a replacement fuse has been sitting in the replacement bay for many years, where the fuse components have deteriorated, and the sudden introduction of electricity can cause a replacement fuse to blow the first time the car is turned on.
This can be a tricky scenario to identify because when a fuse has just been replaced, the owner is highly unlikely to consider the fuse a second time.
However, it is the first place you should look if the socket is still not working after a fuse replacement. Using the same process described earlier, check the lighter socket fuse again to ensure that the replacement did not immediately blow upon being introduced to electrical current.
Check the Receptacle If the check on the replacement fuse comes back clean, there is a chance that you are dealing with a faulty receptacle.
Over time, the receptacle can accumulate food particles, dust, and other debris that may be preventing a proper connection with your cord. Take a rag and thoroughly clean the port to ensure that there are no foreign particles interfering with the connection.
If you have cleaned the receptacle and everything is still dead, there is a chance that the receptacle itself needs to be replaced.
On the head of the lighter and/or cover of the electrical outlet, there will be a voltage rating for the socket, generally 12V (12 volts). If you attach a multimeter to the port and do not get a voltage output in this range, then you will need to order a new part and have the receptacle replaced.
One other thing to look for are the prongs that touch the adapters that you plug into the cigarette lighter. If they are bent, they may not have contact with the adapter. (see video)
Hard Computer Reset Needed This is likely only a remote possibility in newer models of vehicles that can see glitches due to faulty computer codes.
However, computer issues have been known to cause power windows to malfunction, so there is the chance that other electrical systems in your car, like the lighter socket, may be influenced by a computer issue.
As slim as this possibility is, a computer reset could be necessary if the following steps have been taken, to no avail:
Car is turned on
No electric outlets are working
Different cords and devices have been tried
Lighter socket fuse has been replaced and confirmed to be in good shape
Receptacle has been cleaned thoroughly and/or replaced
The first step to resetting a vehicle’s computer is to simply start and restart the engine. This is not likely to resolve your problem because you have already turned your vehicle on once to ensure that power is being sent to all outlets. It is still worth trying, though, as killing and restarting your car is a simple step that may potentially reset any computer glitches.
Performing a Complete Drive Cycle If starting and restarting the engine proves unsuccessful, the next step toward resetting your computer would be to put your vehicle through a complete drive cycle. This can be accomplished through the following steps:
Let your vehicle sit overnight - make sure that it is parked in a place that is less than 90°F and that all fans are turned off, and connected devices are unplugged. Also, make sure that your keys are out of the ignition, as this will ensure that no onboard computers are still booted up while the car is resting
Warm it up - after letting your vehicle rest overnight, turn it on the next morning and let it run in the park or idle for about five minutes. During this time, you can check the cigarette lighter socket. If it is working, the problem solved. If not, drive your vehicle slowly through a residential area for several minutes, stopping completely at stop signs and accelerating up to a safe speed
Take your car onto the highway - get your vehicle up to 60 miles per hour and drive it for at least five miles. After you have reached five miles, bring it back for another slow drive through the neighborhood
Park your vehicle and leave it sitting overnight - test your electrical outlet one more time. If it is still not working, turn your car off and let it sit, just like in step one. Start your vehicle and try the cigarette lighter socket again
Disconnecting the Battery for Computer Reset If the socket still is not working, then it may be time to disconnect the battery to ensure that the computer is fully reset and that no faulty codes are causing electrical glitches. While it is annoying that disconnecting the car battery will also reset any saved settings, such as the clock or radio preferences, it is guaranteed to reset the computer.
Your car battery can be disconnected and reset using the following steps:
Pop the hood and locate your battery - for most vehicles, the battery will be located near the front center under the hood
Disconnect the terminals - you will most likely need a small wrench to get the terminals loose. Once loose enough to detach, pull them straight up, making sure not to get them confused with each other. Use a rag to make sure the terminals and terminal heads are clean
Reattach the terminals - making sure that the positive and negative terminals are placed back from where you removed them, ensure a firm connection and tighten them back in place
After exhausting these steps, you can be assured that the computer either is or is not causing an electrical glitch that is causing your cigarette lighter socket to fail.
Why Do Car Cigarette Lighter Sockets Fail?
There are a number of reasons why your car cigarette socket may fail. Any one of the following combinations can lead to a blown fuse that results in a dead electrical outlet:
Age - let’s face it:Dead lighter sockets are more likely in old vehicles than new ones. As with everything in life, the time has deteriorating effects, and years of exposure to heat can cause wiring and other electrical components to go bad
Moisture - while most fuse boxes are airtight with numerous layers of protection shielding the fuse wires from moisture, even the slightest introduction of moisture can cause a fuse to short out, breaking the electrical connection to your lighter socket
Overuse - as mentioned earlier in the article, the age of portable devices makes lighter sockets hot items in cars, with everything from phones, to laptops, to portable air compressors having adapters that allow for electric charging with lighter sockets. This heavy use expedites wear and tear
Non-compatible connections - as stated, most lighter socket ports are rated to handle 12V of electric potential, while most fuses can run 20 amps of current. If you try to charge a device that has greater power demands than what the fuse is rated to handle, you are at risk of blowing the fuse as it tries to force too much electricity through
How Can You Keep a Car Cigarette Lighter Socket from Breaking? While there is no way to guarantee that a lighter socket lasts for the life of your vehicle, there are several steps you can take to make sure that it lasts as long as possible:
Check the power needs of your devices before connecting - this ensures that you are not trying to force more electricity through the system than what it can handle
Unplug devices while not in use - by only using the lighter sockets to charge when necessary, you can minimize wear and tear on the components
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