6월은 차고 문 안전의 달:더 안전한 집을 위한 12가지 팁

차고 문 안전의 달은 매년 6월에 있습니다. 차고 도어 안전에 대한 인식을 높이기 위한 이니셔티브는 도어 및 액세스 시스템 제조업체 협회와 국제 도어 협회에서 주도하고 있습니다.

10월의 어느 시점에서 우리 중 많은 사람들은 이제 시간을 내어 가정에서 화재 경보기를 테스트하는 데 익숙해졌습니다. 화재 예방의 달은 이것에 대한 큰 이유입니다. 이는 가정 화재를 사전에 예방하고 잠재적인 화재에 대처할 준비를 하는 것의 중요성을 훨씬 더 많이 인식하는 데 도움이 되었습니다.

도어 및 액세스 시스템 업계는 차고 도어에 대해 동일한 수준의 안전 인식을 원합니다.

차고 문 안전의 중요성

새 먹이 주기의 달, 아이스크림의 달, 피크닉의 달, 우산의 달(예, 모두 존재합니다)과 같은 어리석은 국가 기념일과 달리 차고 문 안전의 중요성을 인식하는 것은 실제로 실용적입니다.

차고 도어 시스템에는 생각보다 많은 것이 있습니다. . 차고의 문을 단순히 열고 닫는 기본적인 수준의 기능을 가지고 있는 것처럼 보일 수 있지만 이 시스템에는 많은 움직이는 구성 요소가 포함되어 있습니다.

본질적으로 문의 엔진인 오프너는 a를 수행해야 합니다. 많은 무거운 물건을 들어 올리는 것 – 말 그대로! 차량 2대가 있는 차고 도어의 무게는 건축 자재 및 디자인에 따라 150~300파운드입니다.

차고 도어와 도어 오프너는 수년간 지속되고 작동하도록 제작되었지만 일부 부품이 고장나서 시스템의 안전성을 떨어뜨리는 것은 시간 문제일 뿐입니다. 이는 정기적인 유지 관리 및 검사 없이 더 빠른 속도로 발생합니다.

모든 집주인이 차고 문 안전에 관심을 가져야 하는 세 가지 이유가 더 있습니다.

  • 평균적인 차고 문이 하루에 3~5번 열리고 닫힙니다. (연간 약 1,500회)
  • LiftMaster에 따르면 주택 소유자의 55%가 차고 문을 주택 출입의 주요 지점으로 사용합니다.
  • 차고 문은 대부분의 가정에서 가장 움직이는 부분입니다.

현관문이 제대로 작동하지 않으면 우리 대부분은 수리하거나 수리하는 것을 미루지 않을 것입니다. 차고의 문과 오프너가 제대로 작동하지 않으면 훨씬 더 큰 안전 위험이 있습니다.

오늘날 가정의 주요 접근 지점은 차고 문으로, 가구당 매년 약 1,500번씩 열리고 닫힙니다.

가장 흔한 도어 사고 유형

차고 문은 집을 안전하게 유지하고 거주지 안팎으로 편리하게 접근할 수 있게 하며 집의 연석 매력을 높이는 장식 요소 등 많은 훌륭한 기능을 제공합니다.

하지만 이러한 유형의 문이 적절한 경계와 주의 없이는 위험할 수 있다는 점을 인식하는 것이 여전히 중요합니다.

미국 소비자 제품 안전 위원회(CPSC)에 따르면 미국에서 매년 약 30,000건의 차고 문 관련 부상이 발생합니다. . 다음은 차고 문으로 인해 부상을 입을 수 있는 가장 일반적인 방법입니다.

  • 닫히는 문 아래로 너무 늦게 걸어가서 닫히는 문에 치이는 사람들
  • 문 수리 시도로 인한 부상 (차고 도어 스프링은 위험하기로 악명이 높습니다)
  • 현대 문에 사용되는 강화 유리가 없는 오래된 창문의 깨진 유리로 절단됨
  • 문 패널 사이에 손가락 끼임
  • 떨어졌거나 트랙에서 빠진 깨진 문으로 인한 부상
  • 믿거나 말거나, 운전자가 후진하기 전에 문을 여는 것을 잊어버리거나 완전히 열리기 전에 문을 두드리기 때문에 매년 수많은 사고가 발생합니다.

차고 문 안전 수칙으로 안전을 유지하세요

가족의 안전과 관련하여 도어와 오프너가 안전하게 작동하는지 확인하는 데 걸리는 시간을 최소화하는 것이 좋습니다. .

차고 문이 제대로 작동하면 차량이 잠재적으로 손상되는 것도 방지할 수 있습니다.

Here are 12 tips to help make your garage safer. And don’t just give the safety of the doors of your garage some attention during June – check back every few months with your garage door safety checklist.

By ensuring your garage’s doors are working properly, your family and vehicles will be safer.

1. Watch and listen for problems

We’ll get into specific areas of your garage door opener and doors to inspect and test, but one of the best things you can do is to generally be more vigilant around the door system.

Early warning signs of garage door system mechanical failures can reveal themselves visually and audibly.

Do you notice the doors opening or closing faster or slower than normal? Are the doors operating smoothly or is there a noticeable hitch when they’re moving? When the doors are fully closed, do you detect a gap between them and the floor that previously wasn’t there?

Audible indicators of a problem are even more noticeable. A garage door system can emit a squeaking, rattling, or knocking sound when it’s operating for a number of reasons including:

  • rusted hardware connectors such as nuts and bolts
  • unlubricated components
  • damaged door rollers and tracks
  • a damaged or poorly adjusted garage door opener chain

Whenever there’s a functionality issue with a door system, it’s in your best interest to address it immediately. Not only can prompt action eliminate a safety hazard, but it can also save you an expensive repair bill.

Most door problems can be repaired. If you ignore them, however, an entire door, opener, or part could eventually require a costly replacement.

2. Test your door opener’s safety reversal system

The most important garage door safety feature is the opener’s safety reversal system. In 1991, the CPSC made it mandatory for all door openers sold in the U.S. to include this feature.

This function uses sensors to detect whether or not an object is in the path of a closing door. If an obstruction is detected as the door is coming down, the function automatically reverses the direction of the door to open it back up.

Because of its importance, it’s recommended that you test the door reversal function every month or two . This short video explains how to test it:

In addition to testing the reversal function, make sure the door opener’s force setting works properly . This setting works in tandem with the reversal function and determines how much sensitivity it should have. If the setting isn’t right, the function may not reverse the travel path of a closing door when there’s an obstruction.

3. Inspect the door sensors

The sensors a garage door opener communicates with are installed a few inches off the ground on both sides of a door opening (they’re also known as photoelectric eyes). An infrared beam is constantly emitted from one sensor to another. If any object interrupts the beam’s path, the door won’t close.

The sensors have to be aligned with one another for this important safety feature to work correctly. If there’s an issue with them, you’ll certainly know it because the door won’t be able to close properly.

Don’t wait until you encounter a door closing issue before giving the sensors some regular attention. Inspect your garage door sensors every month or two, ideally at the same time you test the door reversal function .

Door sensors can malfunction for several reasons:

  • they become misaligned after getting hit
  • debris like dust, dirt, cobwebs, and leaves are impeding the sensors’ functionality
  • cold or damp weather causes the sensor lenses to fog up
  • an electrical supply issue or damaged wiring

Fixing most door sensor issues is fairly easy. If they’re dirty, use a soft cloth to gently clean them off. If the sensors need to be realigned, the door opener’s manual should explain how to make the necessary adjustments. Lighting indicators on most sensors will tell you if they’re aligned correctly.

Call a garage door repair professional if you can’t fix the problem, if the sensors need to be replaced, or if there’s an electrical problem.

4. Check your door springs and cables

A garage door system has springs that act as a counterbalance for the weight of the door and help facilitate the opening and closing process.

Springs that are rusted become weaker and a spring with a tension that’s too loose or too tight can cause functionality and safety issues.

Inspect the condition of your springs two or three times a year. Door springs are typically powder-coated, which helps them last longer in a damp environment. They can rust faster unless they’re occasionally sprayed with a lubricant.

The springs on the doors of a garage are rated for a certain number of cycles. Door springs typically have a life cycle of 10,000 cycles, meaning they can open and close a door 10,000 times. You can buy higher life cycle springs made with heavier wire that can provide up to 100,000 cycles.

The lift cables and pulleys that work along with the door springs are another vital part that should be inspected from time to time. Look for signs of fraying on the cables and keep them free of debris.

5. Inspect the door rollers and tracks

The rollers that are attached to a garage door are mounted on a track/rail so the door can raise and lower. They’re made with three types of materials:steel, nylon, and plastic.

Steel rollers are very durable, but aren’t as quiet as steel rollers that are encased in a nylon shell. Either is a better option than plastic rollers. They are the least expensive option, but also the least durable, too.

Like door springs, rollers typically have a cycle rating that indicates what their lifespan will be. When it’s time for the rollers to be replaced, pay attention to the number of ball bearings the rollers have. A higher number of ball bearings means the rollers will last longer.

Inspect the door rollers once or twice a year to see if they’re showing signs of rust or excess wear . If the rollers grind or squeak when the door is moving, that’s a telltale sign they could use lubricating.

Check the door tracks to ensure the rollers haven’t come off and that there is no debris along the tracks that could obstruct the rollers’ movement. Check the tracks to see if they’re bent as well.

Periodically inspect the tracks and rollers of your door system.

6. Lubricate the door system’s moving parts

With so many moving parts in a garage door system, it’s important to keep some of them lubricated to prevent components from rusting and keep them operating smoothly. Using lubricant once in a while will also help extend the life of the parts and keep them quieter.

We’ve already mentioned the benefit of keeping a door’s springs and rollers lubricated. You can use a spray-on lubricant on the garage door opener chain, which looks like a bicycle chain. If you have a belt-driven opener, lubrication isn’t required on the rubber belt.

The hinges on doors with panels that “bend” when it’s being raised and lowered will benefit from an occasional spray of lubricant.

Use a lubricant or grease that is specifically made for garage doors and don’t use too much of it , otherwise it will attract more dust and dirt.

7. Check the opener’s chain or belt

Belt-driven and chain-driven garage door openers should be inspected a couple of times a year to check for wear and to make necessary adjustments.

As another frequently moving part of a door system, an opener’s belt or chain can become either too loose or too tight. That can affect the operation of the door and shorten the life of the mechanisms that move the chain and belt.

An opener will have an adjustment bolt or nut that can be accessed to tighten or loosen a chain or belt. Consult the manual of your door opener to see if the manufacturer recommends making adjustments yourself or if the job should be best left to a professional.

8. Don’t DIY most door repairs

Many types of garage door maintenance tasks can be done yourself, such as lubricating moving parts and tightening the hardware on the hinges of a door panel.

However, most types of door repairs should be done by a trained professional . That includes the following repairs:

  • replacing an entire door or opener
  • replacing door rollers and tracks
  • replacing a door sensor
  • adjusting or replacing garage door springs
  • replacing door cables
  • replacing a damaged door panel
  • adding insulation to a door
  • replacing any part of a door opener

Some repairs, like replacing a door weather seal, fall into more of a grey area. Most people could probably handle this specific repair themselves, but numerous types of door seals exist and it can get a little confusing for the average person. There’s side weatherstripping, door panel weatherstripping, and door bottom seals. Then there are sealing parts that are affixed to a door frame, such as a threshold seal.

Replacing any of these parts requires close attention to detail to ensure the door is effectively sealed. A good door seal has numerous benefits. It improves your home’s energy efficiency and provides a more effective seal to keep out moisture, drafts, debris, and pests.

Most garage door repairs should be left to a professional.

9. Do a door balance test

Testing the balance of a garage door is another smart safety practice that should be done at least once a year. The balance of a door affects how it functions.

An unbalanced garage door puts extra strain on the rest of the system and can cause damage to other parts, including the essential reverse function.

LiftMaster explains here how to do a garage door balance test. In a nutshell, this quick test involves disconnecting the door from the opener with the manual release rope to assess the door’s balance by opening and closing it by hand.

Call a pro to fix an unbalanced garage door immediately to prevent injuries and property damage .

10. Know how to use the door opener’s manual release

Speaking of that manual release cord, let’s look at a few more reasons every homeowner should know how they work.

Aside from testing a door’s balance, there are two main reasons anyone might need to use the manual release feature. First, in the event of a power failure, the garage door can be manually opened if the door opener doesn’t have battery backup functionality .

Second, you might need to manually open a garage door if you can’t find the door remote, the remote has dead batteries, or if there’s an issue with the door opener.

If you lose your door remote frequently, invest in a smart garage door opener that can be operated with a smartphone app. This genius tech allows a garage door to be operated from anywhere. You can even get phone alerts when you’re out to inform you about any suspicious activity with your doors.

11. Make your kids more safety-conscious

Let your kids know about these garage door safety hazards, especially if they’re younger. Kids don’t play basketball or hockey in the driveway as much as they used to. That’s given way to them spending much more time indoors, usually in front of a screen.

Some kids still enjoy shooting hoops or playing in the driveway, however, so parents should educate them and lead by example by exhibiting safe behavior around the doors of a garage .

If you have older doors without shatterproof glass, it’s advisable to not allow your kids to engage in any recreational activities around them. Hundreds of people are injured every year by broken garage door glass. Keep door remotes out of the reach of children, too.

12. Invest in reliable, high-quality garage door products

Our final garage door safety tip is to reduce the potential for door-related injuries by investing in high-quality garage door system products from a trusted manufacturer.

When the safety of your family and expensive vehicles is involved, don’t settle for anything but the best door products with the highest safety standards, ideally with exemplary test ratings.

Don’t settle for anything less than the safest, highest-quality products for your garage’s door system.

Make your garage safer, tidier, and prettier!

We hope these safety tips help make your garage safer. Another way to make your garage safer is to get it organized.

Garage Living specializes in providing smart storage solutions like slatwall and storage cabinetry that will keep any garage meticulously organized. Remember, an organized garage is a safer garage !

We can also update the interior look of your garage with stylish, attractive décor that makes any garage much nicer to come home to.

Schedule a free design consultation to start planning your garage upgrades with a member of our design team.

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