자동차 변속기가 갑자기 작동하기 시작했습니까? 도로에 있는 동안 몸이 떨리거나 운전석에서 느낄 수 있는 가혹하고 불편한 변화를 겪고 있습니까? 후드 아래에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 확인할 때입니다. 이와 같은 문제는 전송에 수리가 필요함을 의미할 수 있습니다. 그러나 변속기 오일에 문제가 있음을 나타낼 수도 있습니다. 자동차의 변속기 오일에 대해 자주 생각하지 않을 수도 있지만 이는 차량의 가장 중요한 시스템의 작은 부분입니다.
원활하게 작동하고 뛰어난 성능을 제공하려면 적절한 윤활과 기능을 위한 변속기 오일이 필요합니다. 변속기 오일의 수준이 적절하지 않거나 잘못된 유형을 사용하는 경우 큰 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 다행스럽게도 변속기 첨가제를 사용하면 변속기와 변속기 오일을 모두 쉽게 유지할 수 있습니다. 성능을 향상시키면서 변속기를 보호하도록 설계된 첨가제는 특히 편리한 도구가 될 수 있습니다. 혜택을 받을 수 있는지 궁금하십니까? 차량에 딱 맞는 변속기를 찾는 데 도움이 되는 가이드와 함께 바로 여기에 최고의 변속기 첨가제가 있습니다.
종합 베스트Prolong 슈퍼 윤활제 PSL15000
최신 가격 요약 확인Prolong Super Lubricants PSL15000은 수동 및 자동 변속기 시스템 모두에서 작동하는 신뢰할 수 있는 첨가제입니다. 마찰과 열로부터 보호하는 고유한 공식으로 제조되었습니다.
장점루카스 LUC10009
최신 가격 요약 확인Lucas LUC10009 Transmission Fix는 미끄러지는 변속기 문제를 위해 특별히 설계된 저렴한 100% 무용제 첨가제입니다. 밀봉 누출을 막기 위해 밴드를 재생하는 폴리머 필름이 특징입니다.
장점핫샷의 비밀 HSSTSE32Z
최신 가격 요약 확인Hot Shot의 비밀 HSSTSE32Z는 CVT 변속기를 포함한 자동 변속기 시스템을 위해 특별히 제조된 고성능 변속기 첨가제입니다. 온도 감소 및 코팅된 영역에서 퇴적물 제거에 이상적입니다. 피> 장점
사용 가능한 모든 항목에 우리 손을 댈 수는 없습니다. 이러한 경우에 우리는 저널리즘, 연구 및 이전 제품 테스트에 대한 집단적 경험을 사용하여 제품을 선택합니다. 우리 직원이 사용하는 품목도 진지한 보증을 받을 수 있지만 실제로 흥분되지 않는 물건을 판매하기 위해 수수료나 보너스를 받지 않습니다. 제휴 수익은 항상 공개됩니다.
드라이브 어떤 제품이 구매할 가치가 있는지 파악하기 위해 인터넷 전체에서 리뷰와 연구를 집계합니다. 우리는 또한 이러한 것들의 가치를 스스로 평가하는 방법을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 쇼핑 가이드를 제공합니다. Car Bibles의 사촌들이 말했듯이 "지식은 마력입니다!"
수동 기어는 기어가 있는 두 개의 샤프트가 있는 시스템에서 작동합니다. 이 기어는 사용자가 기어 스틱과 클러치를 통해 입력하면 함께 맞물립니다. 결과적으로 수동 변속기 시스템은 두 개의 움직이는 물체가 모일 때 많은 열, 마찰 및 힘을 생성합니다. 이로 인해 수동 변속기 오일과 첨가제는 변속 시 부품 손상을 방지하기 위해 기어 변속을 최대한 부드럽게 만들 수 있어야 합니다. 이를 달성하기 위해 수동 변속기 유체는 열에 더 강하고 점도가 높으며 극한의 압력에서도 작동할 수 있습니다.
자동 변속기는 유성 시스템에서 작동합니다. 기어는 엔진의 요구에 따라 자동으로 전환됩니다. 자동 기어는 수동 기어 박스에 비해 더 작고 움직이는 부품이 더 많은 경향이 있습니다. 따라서 자동 변속기 오일과 첨가제는 수동 기어 박스 오일과 다른 수준에 있습니다. 자동 변속기 첨가제는 점도가 낮고 소포성이 있으며 열에 강합니다. 피>
Prolong Super Lubricants는 고성능 자동차 윤활유 라인의 제조, 판매 및 글로벌 유통을 다루는 캘리포니아에 본사를 둔 미국 회사입니다. Prolong의 역사는 미국 성공 사례의 완벽한 예입니다. 이 회사는 1990년대에 설립되었습니다. 창업자들은 제품 자체를 포장하는 작은 상점 뒤에서 운영했습니다. 몇 년 후 Prolong Lubricants Inc는 이제 전 세계적으로 수백만 개의 고성능 윤활유를 판매합니다. 이 회사의 제품은 일반적으로 마찰 방지 금속 처리(AFMT)로 알려진 금속 윤활에 사용되는 극압 윤활제 첨가제를 기반으로 합니다. 인기 제품 중 하나는 Prolong Super Lubricants PSL15000입니다.
Lucas Oil Products는 자동차 윤활유 및 첨가제의 제조 및 유통을 다루는 미국 회사입니다. 이 회사는 1989년 Forrest Lucas와 그의 아내 Charlotte에 의해 설립되었습니다. 이 회사는 엔진 오일, 기어 윤활유, 그리스 및 자동차 관리 제품을 제조합니다. Lucas Oil Products Inc는 40개국에서 약 270개의 자동차 제제를 판매합니다. 원래 공장과 본사는 캘리포니아 코로나에 있습니다. 2003년에 인디애나 코리돈에 새 공장을 열었습니다. 인기 제품 중 하나는 Lucas LUC10009입니다.
Lubrication Specialties Inc.는 윤활유와 그리스의 혼합 및 유통을 다루는 미국 회사입니다. 1997년 Chris Gabrelcik에 의해 설립되었습니다. Lubrication Specialties Inc.는 애프터마켓 첨가제, 산업용 오일, 기어 윤활유, 엔진 오일, 식품 등급 윤활유, 크리스탈 그리스 및 기타 윤활유와 같은 자동차 제품을 제공합니다. Lubrication Specialties Inc.는 America Showa, Nucor Steel, Midwest Industries 등 북미 최대 기업의 문제를 해결하는 것으로 유명합니다. 인기 있는 제품 중 하나는 Hot Shot의 비밀 HSSTSE32Z입니다. 피>
차량 사용 설명서를 확인하는 것부터 시작하십시오. 사용할 변속기 오일 유형을 보여줍니다. 이 정보를 바탕으로 올바른 첨가제를 선택할 수 있습니다. 자동 변속기에 수동 변속기 첨가제를 사용하면 부정적인 영향을 미칩니다. 따라서 차량의 전송 시스템에 적합한 첨가제에 대한 제품 포장을 확인하는 것이 중요합니다.
변속기 오일은 천연 또는 합성 형태로 제공되며 합성 변속기 오일이 시장에서 더 인기가 있습니다. 첨가제를 구매하기 전에 시스템에서 사용 중인 변속기 오일 유형을 확인하는 것이 중요합니다. 추가 사용자 지침을 확인하여 변속기 시스템의 유체와 호환되는지 알아보십시오.
첨가제 구성은 제품의 효과를 결정합니다. 제조업체는 제품의 성능을 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 다양한 성분을 사용합니다. 성분 구성이 좋은 제품을 구입하면 변속기에 더 나은 기능과 성능을 제공할 수 있습니다. 피>
Prolong Super Lubricants PSL15000 additive is one of the best and most popular transmission additives on the market. This transmission additive can be used for both manual and automatic transmission systems. Prolong Super Lubricant works by producing molecules that interact with metal surfaces. These molecules create a protective layer that reduces heat and friction within the transmission system.
The PSL15000 promotes smooth and responsive gear changes, and it is suitable for both high- and low-mileage vehicles. A single 8-ounce bottle of Prolong Super Lubricants Transmission Additive will treat a complete transmission. This additive’s formula includes AFMT that chemically bonds to the surfaces of your system, providing a protective layer that helps reduce wear and tear. 피>
A drawback to this product is that it has not been designed to work with CVT transmission systems. This product doesn’t work as efficiently with high-mileage SUV and trucks. 피>
Lucas Lubricants produce some of the best additives on the market that have a reputation for great results. The Lucas LUC10009 is a relatively new product on the market but still offers amazing performance and is highly recommended for transmission problems, such as slipping transmission, leakages, and hard shifting issues. It offers the perfect balance between price and performance.
The LUC10009 is a 100 percent solvent-free formula that has been designed to prevent foaming. It also helps lower the operating temperature of the fluid, stopping seal leaks. You can use this formula to revitalize old or worn-out transmission fluid—there is no need for draining. The Lucas Super Lubricants LUC10009 comes in a 24-ounce bottle. It can be used for multiple treatments.
The greatest benefit users can get is it forms a polymeric film that works by renewing worn bands that help prevent transmission slippage. This process prevents overheating, renewing fluid that becomes worn due to heavy hauling. The LUC10009 is one of the best transmission additives for slippage.
One downside is this transmission additive might not work well with a faulty or too far gone transmission system. It will also not improve performance on severely worn out transmission systems.
If you have a diesel-powered engine and you can’t find a suitable transmission additive, then Hot Shot’s Secret HSSTSE32Z is your best bet. This ATF additive is suitable for both gas and diesel automatic transmission systems. It is an ideal transmission additive if you are looking to soften up your shifts, create a smoother ride, and protect your transmission.
The HSSTSE32Z helps lower ATF temperatures, reduces friction, and eliminates rust and corrosion, improving the overall performance of your automatic transmission system. A bonus with Hot Shot’s Secret Transmission Additive is it also works with CVT transmissions. It is a high-formulation lubricant with a unique composition capable of pulling deposits from coated areas.
A big drawback to the Hot Shot’s Secret HSSTSE32Z is that it can only be used with automatic transmission vehicles. It’s also pricey compared to other transmission additives. However, you get more benefit from its 32-ounce bottle.
Lubegard offers a budget-friendly and reliable product you can use along with automatic transmission fluids. It's a rather efficient product that reduces friction and protects metal parts and internal components from damage. Furthermore, the additive works to prevent overheating without damaging the transmission system.
Thanks to the Synergol TMS Technology, the additive eliminates shudder and noises, making your rides more enjoyable. Another great thing about this additive is the ability to protect, condition, and restore seals and O-rings. It also prolongs the need to change the transmission fluid, which is rather convenient. For all the mentioned reasons, the Lubegard ATF protectant is one of the favorite choices among mechanics and drivers. The extra reason might be that the additive works on most automatic transmissions.
Despite the claims of universality, though, the additive won't work on just any type of vehicle. It's not recommended for CVT transmissions that most new cars and old Ford ones have. To make sure the product will work on your system, you have to go to the company's website and check out the provided comparison chart.
Here’s another product specially designed for automatic transmission fluids. It's formulated to reduce and eliminate shudder, but it also works to resolve other transmission issues. Along with fixing the noise that makes rides uncomfortable, the additive makes fluids work for longer and enhances their overall performance.
The reason why both DIYers and professional mechanics opt for this product is the overall versatility and convenience. The additive is compatible with all synthetic automatic transmission fluids and proves to be rather efficient. The application is simple, and the product comes at a reasonable price. Therefore, drivers can protect, maintain, and repair the transmission system without much effort at all.
The bottle design is a little awkward, though. It's difficult to handle and might be challenging to pour the liquid from it. Still, the bigger issue regards the somewhat inconsistency the product might show over time. We noticed that the additive doesn't always reduce chatter and noise to desired levels. It mostly depends on vehicle and transmission system types.
This is a unique product that works to resolve a lot of issues in the transmission system. While reducing noise and vibrations, the additive also works to resolve hard shifting and ensure smooth transmission performance. We find it rather effective in manual systems, although some buyers even used it for CVT transmissions without any issues.
The best thing about this product is its versatility. XADO EX120 Revitalizant rebuilds, repairs, and protects metal parts and internal components in manual transmissions. Only one treatment with this product will last for 62,000 miles, which is rather impressive. On top of that, you'll get a tube with the gel and a syringe for easy application.
The tricky part is that you might have to wait for the product to work. Sometimes it takes time to resolve all the issues in the transmission system. You might even need to add the product to the fluid several times before noticing any changes. Therefore, if you need an additive that will work instantly, you might want to look for other options on our list.
This Lubegard product is ideal for those who are searching for CVT transmission additives. It's reliable, efficient, and budget-friendly. With just one application, the additive makes a huge difference in the transmission. From repairing damage to preventing it, the Lubegard additive works on all kinds of issues.
This particular additive doesn't only reduce noise and shudders. It also protects engine belts, pulleys, and other components. The additive will help you prevent premature wear of internal parts and damages caused by degraded fluid. In general, it will enhance the performance of your vehicle, making rides more comfortable and quiet.
There are only two minor drawbacks to keep in mind before the purchase. Firstly, the product doesn't always completely reduce the noise. It makes shifting incredibly smooth, but some shudder might remain even after the application. Secondly, you might have to wait for the additive to show results, although this mostly depends on the vehicle model.
Looking for a transmission additive that can do it all? You’ll love the Sea Foam TT-16 Trans Tune Transmission Additive. Designed to fine-tune your transmission, its fluid, and its overall performance, incorporating this under the hood can help round out your vehicle’s on-road results. And you may even be able to avoid future issues.
Sold in a 16-ounce aerosol can, Sea Foam’s additive features a petroleum base and three different oils, all blended together to clean deposits throughout your transmission and its related systems. It can be used in all petroleum and synthetic hydraulic fluids — which means it’s safe for just about any automatic transmissions. 피>
Once applied, this additive can help reduce rough, erratic shifting, eliminate contamination, and clean up your transmission overall. It works like a system flush, cleaning and clearing to remove potentially damaging contaminants, deposits, and moisture. And it won’t harm any seals or your transmission fluid along the way.
If you drive an older car with many, many miles on its odometer, you’ll want to consider K &W Chemical Trans-X High Mileage Automatic Transmission Treatment. This transmission additive is specially formulated and developed for cars with at least 75,000 miles, and it’ll work on much higher mileages, too. Each 16-ounce container of this additive can extend the lifespan of your current transmission, helping you to avoid common problems that can come with a whole lot of driving.
Made with a high-tech formula that’s designed to protect and bolster your transmission, this additive can stop or prevent leaks. It’s also a great option if you’re noticing less-than-smooth shifting; it can bring back the smoothness your vehicle once delivered. And adding this into your transmission fluid’s mix can also help replace any depleted ingredients it might’ve lost over time.
However, you’ll want to keep in mind that this additive is best used if you’re just starting to experience transmission issues like slips and shudders. It won’t be nearly as effective if you’re already seeing persistent problems.
Yes, you definitely can take the DIY approach. Just make sure you locate the transmission dipstick. With little preparation, this is a task you can complete in a few minutes. Make sure you carefully read both your vehicle owner’s manual and the additive user instructions.
Transmission additives are best used if you are experiencing transmission slippage, stalling, rough shifting, or seal leaks, and you want to try a cheaper option before resorting to a repair shop.
Unless you have been experiencing episodes of rough transmission shifting, slipping, or hesitation, it is not recommended that you add transmission treatment.
The answer to this question depends on a few different factors. If you’re experiencing transmission issues and you choose an additive that’s specifically formulated to tackle those problems, you can see positive results. However, if you use an additive without having any issues, or if your car is newer, you may not really see any effect. In certain cases, additives can do more harm than good, so make sure to do thorough research before adding anything into your transmission fluid.
If your car’s transmission is slipping, you’ll want to find an additive that’s specifically formulated for this kind of problem. While some are formulated to clean your transmission and its components, others are made to target issues just like slipping and shuddering. Highly concentrated formulas can work fast, but make sure to double-check the label to make sure that’s the case with the additive you pick.
Our pick for the best transmission additive is the Prolong Super Lubricants PSL15000. It is one of the best transmission additives on the market. It reduces leaks, shudders, slippage, and sludge buildup.
For a less pricey option, consider the Lucas LUC10009.